Is Homemade Pizza Really Healthy?

Is Homemade Pizza Really Healthy?

You might think that making your own pizza is a healthier option, but is it really? We take a look at the pros and cons of Homemade Pizza to see if it’s really as healthy as you think.

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Homemade pizza can be a healthier option than takeout or delivery, but it all depends on the ingredients you use. If you make your pizza dough from scratch and load it with fresh vegetables, you’ll end up with a healthier slice than if you order delivery from a pizzeria.

But even if you choose healthy ingredients, there’s no getting around the fact that pizza is still a high-calorie food. One slice of homemade cheese pizza contains about 300 calories, and that’s before you add any toppings. If you want to keep your pizza healthy, it’s important to watch your portion sizes.

Pizza is also high in sodium. A single slice of cheese pizza contains around 600 milligrams of sodium, which is about one-fourth of the daily recommended limit for adults. If you are on a low-sodium diet, Homemade Pizza is not a good option.

To make your homemade pizza healthier, try these tips:

Make your own dough: Store-bought dough is often loaded with salt and other preservatives. Making your own dough is easy and only takes a few minutes.

Load up on vegetables: Fresh vegetables are lower in calories than meat toppings and they add vitamins, minerals and fiber to your pizza. Try adding veggies like mushrooms, onions, peppers, spinach or tomatoes to your pizza.

Watch your portion sizes: It’s easy to eat too much pizza, especially if you’re eating it straight out of the oven. Cut your slice in half and save the other half for later. Or, better yet, share your pizza with a friend or family member.

The Case for Homemade Pizza

When it comes to pizza, there are countless debates on what is and isn’t healthy.One argument that is often made is that pizza is unhealthy because it is loaded with grease and calories. However, there are some health benefits to Eating Pizza that are often overlooked.

You Control the Quality of the Ingredients

If you’re concerned about the quality of the ingredients in your pizza, or you’re trying to avoid certain ingredients (like preservatives or unhealthy fats), making your own pizza is a great solution. When you make pizza at home, you have complete control over the quality and freshness of the ingredients, so you can feel good about what you’re eating.

You Know Exactly What’s Going into Your Pizza

One of the main benefits of making your own pizza is that you know exactly what ingredients are going into it. When you order a pizza from a restaurant or pizzeria, you have no way of knowing whether the company is using fresh, high-quality ingredients or not. By making your own pizza at home, you can choose to use only the best and freshest ingredients, which will result in a healthier – and tastier – pizza.

The Case Against Homemade Pizza

A lot of people think that making pizza at home is a healthier alternative to buying it from a restaurant. However, this is not always the case. Homemade pizza can actually be just as unhealthy as pizza from a restaurant, if not more so. Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients in pizza and how they can affect your health.

It’s Still Pizza, and Pizza Isn’t Healthy

Despite what some may tell you, there is no such thing as a healthy pizza. Even if you make your pizza at home with whole wheat dough and all-natural toppings, it’s still going to be a calorie and carb-heavy meal.

One slice of homemade pizza (1/8 of a 14-inch pie) has about:

Calories: 283
Fat: 10 g
Saturated fat: 3.5 g
Carbohydrates: 36 g
Fiber: 2 g
Protein: 10 g
Sodium: 562 mg
Sugars: 4 g

If you’re trying to eat healthy, pizza is not the way to do it. There are better, healthier ways to get your fix of Italian food. Try one of these recipes instead:

Is Homemade Pizza Really Healthy

Making Pizza at Home Isn’t Necessarily Cheaper

One study found that the average cost of making a homemade pizza is $4.50 per pie, while the average cost of a store-bought pizza is $5.93 per pie. The study found that while the ingredients for making a pizza at home are cheaper than buying a pizza, the time it takes to make a pizza at home is more expensive. In other words, if you’re short on time and money, it’s better to buy a pizza than to make one at home.

The study also found that the quality of store-bought pizzas has improved in recent years, while the quality of homemade pizzas has stayed the same. The study concluded that “homemade pizza is an inferior product when compared to store-bought pizza.”

If you’re looking for a healthier option, there are many brands of frozen pizzas that are low in calories and fat. Some brands even offer gluten-free and vegan options.


All in all, homemade pizza can be a pretty healthy option. It really just depends on what ingredients you use. If you choose whole wheat dough, lean meats, and plenty of veggies, you’ll end up with a pizza that’s packed with nutrients and relatively low in calories. However, if you load up your pie with processed meats and full-fat cheeses, you’ll end up with a less healthy meal. So, the next time you’re in the mood for pizza, try making your own at home!