How to Eat Pizza with Acid Reflux? Tips To Order for GERD Sufferers

How to Eat Pizza with Acid Reflux? Tips To Order for GERD Sufferers

Guide To Eating & Order Pizza When You Have GERD

If you have acid reflux, you know how uncomfortable it can be. Do you love pizza but are afraid that eating it might cause you discomfort? You’re not alone. Many people with acid reflux find that eating pizza can aggravate their symptoms. 

But does that mean you have to give up your favorite food? Not necessarily! 

For those who suffer from acid reflux or GERD, eating pizza can be a challenge. However, there are a few things you can do to make enjoying this favorite food a little easier while managing your GERD symptoms.

In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to eat pizza with acid reflux. Keep reading for helpful information!

What Is Acid Reflux And What Are The Symptoms

Before we get into how to eat pizza with acid reflux, let’s first briefly discuss what acid reflux is and some common symptoms associated with it. 

Acid reflux occurs when the contents of your stomach come back up into your esophagus. This can cause a burning sensation in the chest or throat, as well as nausea, an acidic taste in the mouth, and coughing. 

This can happen after you eat or when you lie down. Acid reflux is also known as GERD, which stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Some common symptoms of acid reflux and GERD include: 

  • Heartburn or chest pain
  • Sour taste in your mouth
  • Burning sensation in your throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Feeling like food is stuck in your throat

Acid reflux can be a painful and irritating condition, but there are ways to manage it.

One way is by making dietary changes, such as avoiding trigger foods and eating more alkalizing foods. Another way is to take medication prescribed by your doctor. And lastly, you can try some home remedies to help relieve symptoms.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor. They can help you determine if you have acid reflux or GERD and develop a treatment plan. 

Is Pizza Bad For Acid Reflux? And Why?

Now that we’ve answered the question, “what is acid reflux?” let’s move on to the next question: “is pizza bad for acid reflux?” 

The answer isn’t as simple as yes or no. Some people with acid reflux find that certain foods trigger their symptoms. Pizza is one food that can be problematic for people with GERD.

While pizza may not be the best food to eat if you have acid reflux, there are ways to enjoy it without triggering your symptoms. 

There are a few reasons why pizza may worsen your acid reflux symptoms. First, many pizzas are loaded with cheese and other high-fat toppings. Fatty foods can slow down digestion and trigger reflux. 

Pizza is often high in fat and grease, which can relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is a muscle at the bottom of the esophagus that acts like a valve between the stomach and esophagus. When this muscle relaxes, stomach acid can flow back up into the esophagus, causing symptoms of acid reflux.

In addition, pizza is also usually pretty acidic, due to the tomato sauce. This can cause irritation in the esophagus and make symptoms worse. 

Pizza is often loaded with tomato sauce, which is acidic. This can also contribute to symptoms of acid reflux.

Finally, pizza is often pretty greasy. This can cause heartburn and make it more likely for acid to come back up into the esophagus. 

So, while pizza may not be the best food choice if you have acid reflux, that doesn’t mean you have to give it up entirely. With a few adjustments, you can still enjoy this favorite food without triggering your symptoms. Read on for some helpful tips!

Pizza And Acid Reflux: How to Eat Pizza with Acid Reflux

Pizza is a delicious food that many people enjoy. However, if you have acid reflux, pizza can be a problem. The good news is that there are some things you can do to minimize the discomfort and still enjoy your favorite food.

If you love pizza but are worried about how it will affect your acid reflux, don’t worry! There are a few things you can do to make eating pizza a little easier on your stomach. 

Here are some tips on how to eat pizza with acid reflux: 

1. Choose a thinner crust

It’s important to understand that not all pizzas are created equal. If you’re going to eat pizza, choose one with a thinner crust.

Pizza crusts are typically made with white flour, which is high in carbohydrates. When these carbohydrates are broken down by the body, they can turn into sugar. Sugar can promote the growth of yeast in the gut, which can lead to increased stomach acid production.

A thin crust pizza will be easier on your stomach than a thick, doughy crust. Opt for a hand-tossed or thin crust pizza to help avoid triggering your symptoms. Avoid deep dish or stuffed crust pizzas as they are more likely to cause problems.

A healthier option would be to choose a whole wheat or gluten-free crust. These types of crusts are made with whole grains that are less likely to be broken down into sugar.

2. Go easy on the cheese

Cheese is another common trigger for acid reflux. It is high in fat and can relax the LES, allowing stomach acid to flow back up into the esophagus. 

If you love pizza but find that cheese aggravates your symptoms, try using less of it or choosing a low-fat cheese option/without cheese or choose a non-dairy cheese alternative. 

3. Avoid fatty toppings

Toppings like sausage, pepperoni, and bacon can add saturated fat to your pizza and make GERD worse. Stick to leaner toppings like vegetables, chicken, or fish. 

4. Add veggies to your pizza

Vegetables are a great way to add flavor to your pizza while also helping to reduce acid reflux symptoms. Vegetables are low in fat and calories and can help to neutralize stomach acid.

Try topping your pizza with cooked onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, or spinach.

5. Skip the garlic

Garlic is a common trigger food for people with acid reflux. If you’re worried about garlic making your symptoms worse, you can ask for your pizza without it or opt for another type of seasoning.

6. Avoid spicy toppings

Spicy toppings, such as pepperoni or sausage, can trigger heartburn and other acid reflux symptoms. If you love pizza but find that spicy toppings make your symptoms worse, try avoiding them or using a milder variety. 

7. Go easy on the sauce

Too much tomato sauce can make acid reflux worse. If you’re concerned about this, you can ask for your pizza with less sauce or choose a white pizza instead. 

Another important tip for eating pizza with acid reflux is to go easy on the sauce. Opt for a lighter sauce such as marinara or pesto. Avoid heavier sauces such as Alfredo or carbonara. 

8. Eat smaller slices 

Eating too much food at once can trigger GERD symptoms. When possible, try to eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than large ones. This will help your stomach digest food more easily and prevent reflux.

Eating smaller slices of pizza can help you to control your portion size and prevent overeating. When you overeat, your stomach can become distended, which can lead to increased pressure on the LES and an increased risk for acid reflux.

9. Avoid eating late at night 

One final tip for those with acid reflux is to avoid eating late at night. This is because lying down after eating can make your symptoms worse.

If you want to enjoy pizza for dinner, be sure to eat it early enough so that you have time to digest before going to bed.

Pizza can be a trigger food for some people with acid reflux. However, that doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite food altogether. By following these tips, you can still enjoy pizza even if you have acid reflux. Just remember to listen to your body and stop eating if you start to feel any symptoms. 

We hope these tips will help you enjoy pizza without triggering your acid reflux or GERD symptoms. Remember, if you’re ever in doubt about what to eat, be sure to consult with your doctor. They can offer tailored advice based on your individual condition.

Pizza Recipe For Acid Reflux

One food that you may want to avoid if you have acid reflux is pizza. Pizza is often made with lots of acidic ingredients, including tomato sauce, dairy, and meat. These ingredients can trigger acid reflux symptoms like heartburn and indigestion. If you love pizza, there are ways to make it easier on your stomach.

One way is to choose a pre-made low-fat pizza crust. This can help to reduce the amount of fat and calories in your pizza. You can also top your pizza with vegetables instead of meat and cheese. This will help to decrease the acidity of your pizza.

If you absolutely must have meat on your pizza, opt for leaner meats like chicken or turkey. And, skip the processed cheese and go for fresh mozzarella instead.

Another way to make pizza more digestible is to eat it with an alkalizing drink. Water is always a good choice, but you can also try green tea or almond milk. These drinks can help to neutralize the acids in your stomach and prevent symptoms of acid reflux.

Are you wondering if there is a recipe for healthy pizza that doesn’t aggravate acid reflux? That’s a tall order, but we think we’ve come up with the perfect solution.


  • 1 whole wheat pizza crust or 1 pre-made low-fat pizza crust
  • 1/2 cup tomato sauce
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • Fresh basil leaves (optional)
  • Toppings of your choice (vegetables, pepperoni, chicken, etc.)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. In a small bowl, combine tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, oregano, and garlic powder. Mix well and set aside.

3. Place pizza crust on an ungreased baking sheet. Spread the mixture over the pizza crust.

4. Add desired toppings.

5. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until crust is golden brown and cheese is bubbly. If desired, garnish with basil leaves. Enjoy!

Acid reflux can be a real pain, especially if you love pizza as much as we do. But with this delicious recipe, you can indulge in your favorite food without worrying about the consequences. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

If you have any tips for eating pizza with acid reflux, please share them with us in the comments below. And if you’re looking for more information on living with GERD, be sure to check out our other articles on the subject.

What Foods To Avoid If You Have Acid Reflux

There are certain foods that are known to trigger acid reflux symptoms. These include fatty and fried foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and tomato-based products.

Fatty and fried foods can also aggravate your symptoms. If you find that certain foods trigger your symptoms, it’s best to avoid them altogether.

However, everyone is different and you may be able to tolerate some of these foods in moderation. Pay attention to your body and how it reacts after eating these foods so that you can determine what works for you.

You may also want to keep a food diary to help you identify which foods trigger your symptoms. Once you know which foods to avoid, you can make the necessary changes to your diet and start feeling better.

In general, it’s best to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day if you have acid reflux. This can help to prevent overeating and stomach distention, which can trigger symptoms.

It’s also important to avoid lying down immediately after eating and to prop yourself up with pillows when you sleep. By following these tips, you can help to reduce your risk of experiencing acid reflux symptoms.


Why does pizza give me heartburn?
Pizza can give you heartburn because it is acidic. The acidity can irritate your esophagus and trigger symptoms of heartburn.

If you have acid reflux, it’s best to avoid pizza or eat it in moderation. You can also try topping your pizza with vegetables instead of meat and cheese to help reduce the acidity.
Can I eat pizza if I have GERD?
If you have GERD, you may be able to eat pizza in moderation. However, everyone is different and certain foods may trigger your symptoms.

Pay attention to how your body reacts after eating pizza and make sure to avoid any foods that seem to make your symptoms worse.

You may also want to keep a food diary to help you identify which foods trigger your symptoms.
What is the best pizza for acid reflux?
The best pizza for acid reflux is one that is low in acidity. You can achieve this by topping your pizza with vegetables instead of meat and cheese. You can also try using a whole wheat crust or a pre-made low-fat crust.

Avoiding spicy and tomato-based sauces can also help to reduce the acidity of your pizza.
What foods that don’t cause heartburn?
There are a few different foods that are less likely to cause heartburn. These include bananas, melons, ginger, oatmeal, and whole grain bread. You may also want to avoid trigger foods such as citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and tomato-based products.

Pay attention to how your body reacts after eating these foods and make sure to avoid any that seem to make your symptoms worse.
What causes lactic acid to build up in the stomach?
Lactic acid can build up in the stomach when you eat foods that are high in lactose. Lactose is a sugar that is found in milk and other dairy products.

When your body doesn’t have enough of the enzyme lactase to break down lactose, it can cause lactic acid to build up in the stomach. This can lead to symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, and bloating.

If you have trouble digesting lactose, it’s best to avoid dairy products or eat them in moderation. You can also try taking a lactase supplement before eating dairy products to help prevent symptoms.
Is cheese bad for acid reflux?
Cheese can be bad for acid reflux because it is high in fat. Fatty foods can aggravate your symptoms by causing the muscles in your lower esophageal sphincter to relax. This can allow stomach acid to leak back up into your esophagus, which can trigger heartburn.

If you have acid reflux, it’s best to avoid cheese or eat it in moderation. You can also try using low-fat cheese or avoiding trigger foods altogether.
Is ice cream good for acid reflux?
Ice cream can be good for acid reflux because it is soothing and cooling. However, it is also high in fat, which can aggravate your symptoms.

If you have acid reflux, it’s best to avoid ice cream or eat it in moderation. You can also try using low-fat ice cream or avoiding trigger foods altogether.
Is vanilla good for acid reflux?
Vanilla can be good for acid reflux because it is soothing and calming. However, it is also high in sugar, which can aggravate your symptoms.

If you have acid reflux, it’s best to avoid vanilla or eat it in moderation. You can also try using a sugar-free vanilla extract or avoiding trigger foods altogether.
What are the worst foods for indigestion?
The worst foods for indigestion are those that are high in fat, acidity, or spices. Foods such as cheese, ice cream, citrus fruits, chocolate, and caffeine can all trigger symptoms.

If you have indigestion, it’s best to avoid these foods or eat them in moderation. You can also try using a low-fat diet or avoiding trigger foods altogether.
Does eating ice help with heartburn?
There is no definitive answer to this question as everyone experiences heartburn differently. Some people find that eating ice helps to soothe their symptoms, while others find that it makes them worse.

If you’re struggling with heartburn, it’s best to experiment with different home remedies to see what works best for you. You can also try avoiding trigger foods and eating a healthy diet.

If you’re still experiencing heartburn after making lifestyle changes and trying home remedies, you may need to see a doctor for further treatment.
What is the best way to get rid of heartburn?
The best way to get rid of heartburn is to avoid trigger foods and eat a healthy diet. You can also try taking over-the-counter antacids or prescription medications to help relieve your symptoms. If you’re still experiencing heartburn after making lifestyle changes and trying medication

Final Thoughts

In Conclusion…

GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a common disorder that affects millions of people in the United States. If you are one of those individuals who suffer from acid reflux and cannot seem to find relief, you may be wondering if there is any way to eat pizza without feeling like your chest is on fire. The good news is that there are some tips and tricks you can use to help make eating pizza more comfortable when you have GERD.

Eating pizza with acid reflux is possible with a few adjustments. Choose a thinner crust, go easy on the cheese and sauce, and avoid fatty toppings. If you’re still struggling with symptoms, see your doctor for help.

We hope this information was helpful and encourages you to seek treatment for your GERD symptoms. Have you tried any of these methods for eating pizza with acid reflux? Let us know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading, we hope this article was helpful in answering the question, “is pizza bad for acid reflux?” and “How to eat pizza with acid reflux?”. For more information on GERD and other digestive disorders, check out our blog!